So Much Happening!

Ok, so the POP UP shop is in full operation. We have had an awesome month so far and it's December guys!!! So put your shopping shoes on and come visit us! A couple of new additions to our shop family we are so excited about. Jennifer Akesse is a clothing designer and maker. Her fabrics are wild and bright traditional prints from Ghana and her clothing designs are tres chic and so modern! Skirts and dresses and pants and wraps you can't live without!

And we also have a pet portrait artist by the name of Jim Carrol joining us next week. He will be painting on site so that will be a lot of fun for everyone! So bring your pet by for a visit too. The month will be over before we know it so please do take a few mintues to come by and check us out. We are all working in the space so you can come see how we do it! We are still Designs by Annie jewelry, and photography by Tatiana Avdjiev and yours truly, Camille Margaret Designs jewelry. 

Just a reminder, it's 600 Central Ave in Highland Park, right behind/next to Walker Brothers!! Yummmmmm.

Happy Holidays and stay warm out there!  

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